sorry that i'm not there to tell you this in person. i hope to be back by thursday or friday. as most of you know, i usually ride my bicycle to school, and was doing just that on monday morning. i was riding up 5th ave and my bike hit a majorly messed up spot of concrete in the road and i fell over my handlebars, off my bike, and onto the street, landing on my head and shoulder.
let me just say that if i had not been wearing my helmet, there is a good chance i could have been killed or paralyzed. i want all of you to ALWAYS wear helmets when you're riding.
my arm and shoulder were the most damaged, and an ambulance took me to the emergency room at the hospital. i had x-rays taken, my scrapes cleaned out, and i have to wear a sling that keeps my right arm tucked close to me so i don't move my shoulder.
the thing that is offically wrong is called Acromioclavicular Joint Separation. this means the muscle and tendons which connect my collarbone to my shoulder blade are torn. they might heal themselves, or i might need surgery. hopefully i'll be able to come back to school this week, but it hurts A LOT and the doctor said to rest.

1. create a 30 measure song that uses no more than 3 different tracks. give the song a title and write a 3 sentence description of what the song means to you. specify what genre your song is too.
2. create a 30 measure song that uses at least 6 different tracks. give the song a title and write a 3 sentence description of what the song means to you. specify what genre your song is too.
be sure to remember which computer number you used for your songs.
3. if you finish both songs (make sure you've put effort in, and not just carelessly thrown something together) you should read the how-to tutorial here:
please, as always, be respectful and responsible with all equipment, and put back whatever you borrow.
email me any questions and i hope to see you this week!
-ms. apfel